Second-hand housing collection steps you sort out yet?

To buy a house trouble, buy second-hand housing more annoying, pay attention to these various items, an unguarded acceptance, may bring endless trouble to the future, today Xiao Bian gave you talk about how second-hand housing to acceptance.

First, view three books and one card

Three books, one certificate and one form are the most crucial documents for the purchase of second-hand houses. Among them, the “three books” refer to the “Residential Quality Assurance Certificate” (which can be taken away), the “House Use Instruction” (which can be taken away), and the “Construction Engineering Quality Certificate”. "One license" refers to the "Comprehensive Acceptance Certificate for Completed Construction of Real Estate Development and Construction Projects," and "A Form" refers to the "Completion Acceptance Record Form."

Second, signing and payment after the first inspection room

In the general collection process, the property owners will urge the owners to pay property fees and other related expenses before the home inspection. Owners can communicate with them, and after acceptance, they will pay the cost. Take the key from the property, there should be a floor key, entry door key, mail box key, water meter, electricity meter, etc. Note: No fees, no signatures, first homes. It is even more difficult to pay for and sign after discovering problems. Should first repair the house, at the same time to obtain evidence, lay the foundation for the evidence in the future, in particular, keep a good record of the issue of the inspection room.

Second-hand housing

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