The classification of decoration styles and various styles suitable for the crowd

What style should you choose for your renovation? Which style is more suitable for you? This is a blind spot for many decoration owners. Let's make the home decoration today to give you a rough explanation of the style of the decoration and the right people. As for the details of the various decoration styles and the effect map, we will show it to you again.


Modern minimalist style

Modern minimalist style is a style of decoration walking in the forefront of fashion, and it is popular in modern society.

Minimalistism stems from Western modernism in the early 20th century. The famous phrase “Less is more” by the European modernist architect Mies Vander Rohe is considered to represent the core idea of ​​minimalism. The minimalist style features simplified design elements, colors, lighting, and raw materials to a minimum, but requires a high level of color and texture. Therefore, the simple space design is usually very subtle, and it can often achieve the effect of winning less and winning more.

The characteristics of modern minimalist style decoration: composed of curves and asymmetrical lines, such as pedicels, buds, grapevines, insect wings, and various beautiful and wavy body shapes in the natural world, embodying the decoration of the walls, railings, lattices, and furniture. . The lines are soft and elegant, some are vigorous and full of rhythm, and the entire three-dimensional form is integrated with an orderly, rhythmic curve. A large number of iron components are used, and new processes such as glass and ceramic tiles, as well as iron products and pottery products, are integrated into the interior. Pay attention to indoor and outdoor communication and try hard to introduce new ideas to interior decoration art.

Modern minimalist style is a popular design style in the international community today. Almost every age group can accept and like this style.


Mediterranean style

The Mediterranean-style soul is a blue-blue romantic feeling, a pure and beautiful natural beauty of sea and sky. Mediterranean styles often use these design elements: whitewashed walls, continuous arcades and arches, pottery tiles, navy roof tiles and doors and windows.

Mediterranean-style architecture features arches and arches, horseshoe-shaped doors and windows. The circular arches and cloisters in the building are usually connected in several ways or in vertical cross-cutting manners. When walking around, there is an extended sense of perspective. In addition, as long as the walls in the home are not bearing walls, half-cutting or full-cutting can be used to shape the window in the interior. This is a delight in Mediterranean homes.

The greatest charm of the Mediterranean style on Chinese urban homes is probably from its pure color combination. The Mediterranean style has three typical color combinations: blue and white, yellow, blue and purple and green, brown and red.

The Mediterranean decoration style is suitable for fashion romance, eager for a free and laid-back lifestyle, like the sun, the sea, and people who can accept exotic life.

Children's room decoration study decoration decoration design window furniture room living room wall color European Mediterranean style decoration modern minimalist style American rural style decoration living room decoration renderings appreciation European style living room decoration renderings Mediterranean decoration effect European style decoration effect interior decoration effect drawing Decoration Effect Picture Decoration Effect Picture European Decoration Effect Picture American Decoration Effect Picture Modern Minimal Decoration Effect Picture Decoration Living Room Chinese Decoration Effect Picture Partition Decoration Effect Picture Home Decoration Effect Picture Decoration Partition Chinese Style Home Decoration Classical Chinese Style European Style Decoration Modern European Style Modern European Style Style Decoration Luxury European Style Decoration Home Continental Style European Style Villa

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