What vegetables are suitable for eating during the season?

What vegetables do you eat in Bailu:
White dew, it is prone to dry mouth, dry lips, dry throat, dry skin, etc., is a typical "autumn dry". At this time, eat more vegetables to moisten! Vegetables are a major source of vitamins and minerals and are also rich in cellulose, pectin and organic acids. The dietary fiber in vegetables is the best product for detoxification and clearing the intestines. Polyphenols and carotene in vegetables are good helpers for antioxidants. Vegetables should avoid raw food as much as possible.
1, sweet potato
Chinese medicine believes that sweet potato is sweet and flat, and it is good for spleen and qi. According to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", sweet potato has the effect of "reducing deficiency, benefiting Qi, strengthening stomach and strengthening kidney yin", which makes people "longevity and less illness". In addition, sweet potato is a good low-fat, low-calorie food. Eating more sweet potatoes is good for weight loss. In our country, folks believe that white dew can eat sweet potato and eat sweet potato silk and sweet potato silk rice, and it will not cause stomach acid. Therefore, the old farmer had the custom of eating sweet potato in Bailu Festival.
2, cauliflower
Cauliflower helps to solve the lack of autumn. Cauliflower is resistant to fatigue because it is a “cluster” of B vitamins. B vitamins have many members and play an important role in the body. Vitamin B1 helps to improve mental status. Vitamin B6 plays a regulatory role in protein metabolism and contributes to energy production. Vitamin B2 and B6 also help to relieve fatigue and refresh the mind.
3, carrot
"Compendium of Materia Medica" records that carrots can "under the air, and the chest and stomach, the five internal organs, it is healthy, beneficial and non-destructive", carrots are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A can be converted to vitamin A in the body. Vitamin A has a smooth, strong skin and can prevent rough skin and freckles. In the dry autumn, you can eat some carrots to moisturize.
4, lotus root
The lotus roots in September are crispy, juicy and sweet, and are a popular dish on the table. Lotus root appetizing heat, moistening and quenching thirst, clearing the heart and soothe the nerves. It is rich in trace elements such as iron and calcium, plant protein, vitamins and starch. It has obvious effects of benefiting blood and qi, and can also enhance human immunity.
5, pumpkin
Autumn is a dry season. Pumpkin is rich in β-carotene. At the same time, pumpkin is also rich in vitamin B6, which is an indispensable nutrient for improving immune protein activity and strengthening immune protein metabolism. Pumpkin is warm, sweet and non-toxic, into the spleen, stomach two menstruation, there are lungs and qi, phlegm and pus, deworming, detoxification, treatment of lung and constipation, moisturizing hair follicle wall, beauty acne and other effects.
6, mushroom
Autumn is a good time to pick mushrooms, and it is a good time to eat mushrooms. Tricholoma as a kind of mushroom, August and September is the best time to pick. Chinese medicine believes that the taste of the mouth is sweet and flat, and the heart and lungs can be used to declare the lungs. It is good for qi and soothe the nerves. It is most suitable for eating in the autumn season of raising lungs. It can also spread blood heat and pass measles, which is often used for the treatment of pediatric measles. .
7, Shantou
Shantou Ganxin, sex, return to the intestines, stomach, with Yiwei, wide intestine, laxative, detoxification, Buzhongyi liver and kidney, swelling and pain, Yiwei Jianpi, Sanjie, regulating Zhongqi, Huayu, Tian The effect of lean marrow is especially suitable for the elderly with spleen and stomach weakness, intestinal diseases and chronic illness, which is the best for the elderly.
8, white
From mid-September to early November, it is the time to eat white, white and sweet, slightly cold; with heat, Shengjin, thirst, diuretic, dehumidification, Tongli effect; attending summer wet abdominal pain, middle sputum hot, polydipsia Second, it is unfavorable, as well as alcoholism, lactation and other symptoms. When you want to drink alcohol, you can use a white wine to make a dish, which can help you to resist some of the harm from alcohol.
9, water chestnut
Autumn is the season when the water chestnut is harvested. The water chestnut is rich in nutrients and easy to digest and absorb. It has the functions of strengthening the spleen and nourishing the stomach, nourishing the kidney and nourishing the blood. Under normal circumstances, the raw food is tender and tender, and the delicate meat is good. The cooked meat is better with the white meat of the meat. It is cooked, stewed, roasted, braised, etc., like fried tenderloin, Ling stewed pork ribs, and fried pork. Linglong chicken and Lingzhu tofu are considered to be delicious dishes with unique flavors.

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